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Dancing Is Good For Self-Confidence

Dancing Is Good For Self-Confidence

Have you ever noticed that dancers tend to walk taller and stand out from the crowd? It’s not just because they are more aware of their bodies than non-dancers, but they are generally more self-confident. Come along to a free trial lesson at Arthur Murray Crows Nest and see your self-esteem soar.

What is self-confidence?

Self-esteem & self-confidence are closely related with a subtle difference. The former relates to whether or not you value and appreciate yourself for who you are, while the latter reflects how you feel about your ability to perform a task.

Overcoming the fear

Whether you’re nervous of meeting new people, learning to dance or just wondering what to wear, simply overcoming these concerns when you attend your first dance class will help boost your self-confidence and feed your self-esteem. When you return in the subsequent weeks, you’ll feel more comfortable and relaxed in the situation and will start to look forward to dance lessons on your social calendar.

Learning a skill

Mastering a new technique will naturally boost your self-confidence. The steps might seem alien to start with, but at Arthur Murray Crows Nest we break each move down into bite size chunks so you are able to progress quickly. Your sense of accomplishment as you swiftly put the moves together into a series of steps will see your self-confidence rise and will give you the impetus to tackle increasingly complex choreography.

Learning to perform

As well as learning the steps for your own enjoyment, dance comes with an element of performance and this in turn helps drive self-confidence as you become more comfortable in the spotlight.

Positive praise

Instead of taking up a solitary hobby, dance classes further improve your self-confidence as you are mentored and coached by a professional teacher who will reinforce the positive achievements and play a role in maintaining your high level of confidence. If you do make a mistake in a dance class, you’re encouraged to simply laugh it off and figure out what to do differently next time.

Making new friends

Attending dance lessons regularly and partnering up with everyone in the class means you will quickly make friends. You will find that as you ease into this social setting, so your self-confidence increases. Experiencing the same learning curve as your classmates will help cement blossoming friendships and you will find that partner dancing often leads to lasting relationships.

Having fun

Like any form of physical activity, your body will release endorphins when you dance, but the elevated mood is exacerbated as dancing is just so much fun! Whether you’re laughing over a wrong step or smiling as you twirl in care-free abandon, a general sense of well-being will relax you, and in turn improve confidence.

Be yourself

Dancing and practicing regularly means that you’ll quickly learn the movements. Once you’ve got the hang of the steps, you can focus on performing and expressing yourself to the music, which in turn will boost your self-confidence as your belief in your abilities improves.

Confidence is a core mental skill, and by improving your self-confidence through dancing, you’ll be setting yourself up for a good life based on a belief in your own abilities.